2023-24 Season

Game 6: Michigan vs. Stanford Open Thread

Happy Thanksgiving, and welcome to a holiday open thread. Michigan and Stanford are set for a lte night tip tonight after Arkansas and Memphis wrap up their semifinal.

Read the game preview, then join the discussion on our message board before, during and after tonight’s game.

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Notable Replies

  1. BlueTaterade

    This might be one where I ignore the notifications for the night and check Matthew Loves Ball in the morning… I’m sleepy.

  2. quickdarshan

    This Jones on Memphis is going off!

  3. umhoops

    Hopefully the only Jones to go off today!

  4. ChipJonez

    Just got home from the Lions game and the casino. I need this W badly.

  5. CoryR

    Honestly scared to death of injury potential for a roster that can’t afford one with the Battle 4 Atlantis floor that seemingly gets slipperier as the nights go on…

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