This has clearly been a long season and anytime you have single digit wins there is a lot wrong. Before the season...
Post-Game: Wow. What a game, a lot of thoughts on this one. The first half was fun to watch, a lot of...
Post-Game: Big win, thats two in a row, and one on the road. Anytime you can come back and win a game...
Here are some thoughts on the point guard and small forward positions and who should get the minutes. These are the two...
DeShawn Sims is getting a lot of love in the papers and deservedly so. He was taking a lot of heat for...
Post-Game: A win! Michigan kept afloat all game and made their run when they had to tonight. Ekpe, DeShawn, Manny and Ant...
Some more catching up here: Great article on Manny Harris in the Free Press. It’s really becoming hard not to root for...
Post-Game: Another good road effort, another “moral victory”, but another loss. There were flashes where Michigan looked very good, and then at...
Post Game: Wow. Depressing. Not much to say besides Minnesota came into our house with their students (who outnumbered ours probably) and...
Post Game: We are what we thought we were. That’s the kind of loss I expected yesterday and it sure came. We...
Post-Game: Great effort tonight. After that negative blog before the game the team showed me something. A gutty effort in Madison where...
Post Game: These games are just becoming painful to watch. Iowa didn’t look like they were a better team per-say but Michigan...