It’s been nearly six years now since Spike Albrecht set the country ablaze, pouring in 17 first-half points in the National Title...
John Beilein won 278 games in 12 seasons at Michigan. He made the NCAA Tournament nine times, including two trips to the...
Spike Albrecht's final game in the Crisler Center will feature him wearing a Purdue uniform. Here's what the former Wolverine had to...
Spike Albrecht will play his final season of college basketball at Purdue next season.
Based on what Michigan coach John Beilein and senior guards Caris LeVert and Spike Albrecht said Wednesday, those questions aren't likely to...
Speaking with reporters for the first time since the Wolverines' 70-63 loss to Notre Dame in the First Round of the NCAA...
Just under three weeks since the Michigan basketball team's season ended in the first round of the NCAA Tournament, Michigan coach John...
After a week full of headlines and controversy, John Beilein has removed all transfer restrictions for Spike Albrecht and Ricky Doyle.
Michigan head coach John Beilein joined Matt Shepard on WDFN this morning to discuss the news that Spike Albrecht will pursue a...
Michigan point guard Spike Albrecht has been granted his release and will play elsewhere next season as a graduate transfer.
The Fresh Five era will always be remembered for its great success and for helping lead Michigan basketball back to championship contention....
Michigan point guard Spike Albrecht shut down his season in December, but he'll be honored at Senior Night before Saturday's game against...